Saturday, February 25, 2012

Line Blog Assignment

The siding on my house represents line and depth.

The trees create a line while their height represents
a series of vertical lines. 
The parking garage has horizontal lines in the concrete,
and contains a variety of lines through the glass.

 This image has a variety of lines including power lines,
road lines, poles and trees, and train tracks. 
The steps, bricks, house siding, and fence all represent lines. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Composition Assignment

This photo has bad composition.  The eye is drawn to the wooden beam, which is not the subject making the subject unclear.  The beam shouldn't be the focal point, so the subject has no dominance.  There is also little movement in this photo.  The eye slightly moves from the bush to the beam but other than that there is little movement. 
This photo has good composition.  The subject, the cat, is clear in the balance of this photo.  It  has dominates the photo and is clearly the focal point.  There is movement too however, because the eye is also drawn to the tree behind the cat, the fence, the houses in the distance, and the green tarp that the cat is standing on.  There is unity in the photo also because everything fits together but there aren't too many complex elements, it's simple. 

This photo has bad composition.  There is no variety in color.  The photo is very dull and lacks any sort of variety and in turn lacks movement as well.  There is no dominance of anything in this photo nor is their a focal point.  

This photo has good composition.  The proportions are well lined up.  The subject, the playground, isn't centered so it represents good balance.  The playground does however dominate the page.  There is also movement between the trees and the playground. All the elements unify together as well.